In response to the murder of George Floyd on 25 May 2020 by police in the United States, and the subsequent Black Lives Matter protests around the world, Kettle’s Yard is reaffirming its commitment to standing against anti-Blackness and racism.
On 12 June 2020, we shared the University of Cambridge Museums’ statement of solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, and pledged to develop an Anti-Racism Action Plan for publication in mid-July. While we continue to work closely with the other University of Cambridge Museums, a working Action Plan has been drawn up by an Anti-Racism Working Group including brown and white members, which all Kettle’s Yard staff were invited to join. The working Action Plan has been endorsed by our Committee members, and incorporates contributions from a staff survey. It seeks to identify and address systemic racism and anti-Blackness as they manifest at Kettle’s Yard. It aims to set out concrete and measurable actions, with a timeline and commitment of resources, which will contribute to structural change in the organisation.
Some actions in the Plan can be articulated now, while others require more time to think through. We are sharing the actions listed below in order to uphold transparency, be accountable for the changes we are committed to making, and to contribute to discussions within the sector.
We will publish a review of progress in delivering the Action Plan in Summer 2021.
My considerable thanks to the Working Group, and to all staff who responded to the Anti-Racism Survey.
We welcome your feedback, please write to us at
Andrew Nairne
Note about terminology: The Working Group, taking into account comments from the Anti-Racism Survey, has decided to use the term Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) throughout this document. We will continue to discuss language used in the Plan based on ongoing feedback from staff.
Programme & Collection
In addition to continuing to foreground BIPOC artists in our exhibition programme, we commit to the following action points.
Summer 2020 and ongoing
Our working Research Strategy has decolonisation as one of its core agendas. We will continue to resource research that explores colonial contexts at Kettle’s Yard, as well as disseminate existing and new postcolonial research.
By Summer 2021
We will commit funding to create a BIPOC interpretation focus group. This will inform a review of interpretation resources and strategies in relation to the House, collection and exhibitions.
Organisational Structure & Culture
Summer 2020 and ongoing
We will stimulate an anti-racist culture at Kettle’s Yard by sharing anti-racism resources among staff on the Intranet, and starting an anti-racism discussion group in October 2020.
Commit to increased HR support to enable the implementation of the actions throughout this plan.
Make the Action Plan a standing agenda item at staff meetings.
Promote an anti-hierarchical and transparent organisation by clarifying and opening out decision-making processes. Continue to encourage skills development across the organisation, and implement 360 degree evaluation and reverse mentoring.
Advocate for anti-racist action in our inter-organisational networks, including the University of Cambridge Museums and Plus Tate Network.
By Spring 2021
In order to better understand where we are, we will audit the following areas: programme since reopening in February 2018, current staff, volunteers, freelance and contract staff, and supporters’ schemes. Looking ahead, we will devise an audit strategy to gather ongoing experiences of our staff, partners, artists and audiences.
The Action Plan will inform the future strategy and vision to be set out in the forthcoming staff review.
By Summer 2021
Publish Access, Fundraising, Programming, and Research strategies and policies on our website.
By Autumn 2021
Openly recruit a new Black member to the Kettle’s Yard Committee, which currently has no Black members (there are already two Committee members of colour). The Action Plan will become a standing agenda item at Committee meetings.
Openly recruit a new BIPOC member to the Kettle’s Yard Music Committee, which currently has no BIPOC members.
Training & HR
Summer 2020 and ongoing
During the Covid-19 pandemic, we are committed to protecting our BIPOC Visitor Services staff, who face disproportionate risks relating to the virus.
By Winter 2020
We will develop clear processes specific to Kettle’s Yard for reporting on and responding to incidents of racism and anti-Blackness, including microaggressions. We will better understand the existing University procedures, communicate these to staff, and support anyone who wants to make a formal report to the University.
By Summer 2021
We will provide annual, bespoke, day-long anti-bias and anti-racism training for all staff and members of the Kettle’s Yard Committee. In addition to the ‘Understanding Unconscious Bias’ and ‘Equality and Diversity Essentials’ training that all staff currently have to undertake, we will improve access to other anti-racism training courses.
The Working Group will devise an organisational Code of Conduct. It will be made accessible to all staff, visitors and those we work with, including in contracts, on the website and at events.
By Autumn 2020
We will redesign our recruitment processes, including by seeking to commit to interview at least one BIPOC candidate for all new appointments.
By Spring 2021 and ongoing
Overhaul our paid placement programme, expanding access and offering experience in any area – including Programme, Development, Events, Communications and Operations – and reviewing whether the placement can be open to BIPOC candidates only for at least three years.
Dedicate staff capacity to researching how to increase BIPOC representation among our suppliers and contractors, including events facilitators, exhibition and publication production contractors, and stockists for the Shop.
Summer 2020 and ongoing
We will use our communications channels to amplify anti-racist actions by artists, peers and partners.
By Summer 2021
Commit resources to conduct a focus group made up of BIPOC audience members in order to understand motivations for engaging/not engaging with Kettle’s Yard in order to inform future strategy.
By Summer 2021
We will create and publish an ethical policy about sources of income that we will apply for and accept. We will continue to undertake due diligence on all opportunities for sponsorship, corporate partnerships, brand partnerships and venue hire.